The Haymow: A New Stagecoach Venue

Stagecoach is happy to introduce the Haymow on East Handsome Brook Road in Franklin, a new Stagecoach venue this year featuring five young artists. The Haymow is the family farm of Nathan Eldred Banks, an artist who makes Metal Sculpture and Drawings whose works have been shown at Stagecoach for the past six years, most recently at the Fishers’ barn.

Nathan has four friends and fellow artists joining him at this new venue. Jeremy Grand, who makes fantastic light boxes as well as showing mixed media works, and Diane LeCours who works in graphite and charcoal on paper. Danny Lang makes watercolors; Chloe Lee takes black and white photographs.
In addition to the works of the five artists there will be a free performance art show on Saturday night, July 2 at 8pm. The show will be original music by Ryan Eldred of Catch 22 and his band UsVs featuring Reverand Benjamin Ray on drums, David Van Vorst on bass, and Nathan Eldred Banks playing the color Red. Check it out on YouTube by clicking here.
To get an idea of what you can expect on Saturday night (and other times), check out the photo collage below.